New for 2015! Goddess Charity Champions

Every year Victoria Goddess Run participants help raise funds for three partner charities: Victoria Sexual Assault Centre, Victoria Women’s Transition House, and KidSport – Active Girls. Each agency has two champions. We’d like to introduce you to ours: VSAC Board Member, and Forensic Nurse, Kelly Branchi and Founder of Sole Sisters running group, Mena Westhaver.

Both Kelly and Mena will raise pledges for VSAC over the next month, and combined, they hope to raise $5000!
When a fundraising target is met, Mena and Kelly will receive a new piece of their race day Goddess Charity Champion costume. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to see them out running in capes on June 7th?
You can learn more about the program and make a pledge by visiting the Victoria Goddess Run website or by clicking on their picture (which will take you directly to their fundraising page).
From June 5th to 7th, the Goddess Run weekend is so much more than a race. From Sunset Yoga, to rock concert, Kids Run, and breakfast with inspirational speakers, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Come be part of the action. Register today!