VSAC wins BC Health Care Award!

We are excited to announce that The Victoria Sexual Assault Clinic won an Award of Merit for Collaborative Solutions at the BC Health Care awards!
Our Clinic is the first (and only!) community-based, sexual assault clinic for recent survivors of sexual assault in B.C. It was developed in collaboration with Island Health, Forensic Nurses, and local police/RCMP so that survivors have all their medical, forensic and reporting needs met within one location, if they choose.
We are thrilled that the work of this amazing clinic is being recognized in our community. A big thank you to the Health Employers Association of British Columbia!
To access our clinic and a range of other services please call our Crisis and Information Line at 250-383-3232.
What you can do right now to support this work
Since the opening of the clinic we have seen an 80% increase in demand for our crisis services. You can support recent survivors of sexual assault by:
- Helping to spread the word – we want people to know that these services are available! Contact us if you would like us to send you some pamphlets to have at your place of work.
- Volunteering on our Sexual Assault Response Team – the next training will not be until early next year, but you can contact our Coordinator of Volunteers to let us know you are interested.
- Making a donation – we do not have core funding for our clinic. Instead, we rely on donations to keep the doors of the Victoria Sexual Assault Clinic open. You can make a donation online to support the clinic!