Closure of the VSAC Crisis and Information Line

It is with profound sadness that VSAC is announcing the closure of our Crisis and Information Line due to funding limitations and increased demand for our other services. The Crisis and Information Line has been in existence since VSAC opened our doors in 1982. Core funding for the program was lost almost two decades ago and it has continued a modified existence until now with the help of all our donors and funders such as the Provincial Employees Community Services Fund.

The difficult decision to close our crisis line was made to ensure our face-to-face crisis services, including our clinic and crisis counseling, continue to be available to survivors of sexual assault.

We want survivors to know that our counseling, support groups, victim services and clinic services are still available to survivors, and 24-hour emotional support is accessible through the Vancouver Island Crisis Line.

Our clinic is BC’s first and only integrated sexual assault clinic where survivors of a recent assault can receive medical care and forensic options 24-hours a day. This model of care has been incredibly successful with survivors accessing our Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) like never before. Since its opening in Feb 2016 the demand for VSAC’s clinic services has risen by 173%.

The clinic currently operates through donor support and short term grants.  We continue to seek core clinic funding so we can remain responsive to the needs of survivors.

How to Access Services

To access VSAC services including counselling, support groups and Victim Services, please call the Service Access Line 250-383-3232, or email us at .  Staff will return calls regarding accessing VSAC services as soon as we are able (it may take a few days).

To reach VSAC’s 24-Hour Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) please contact Vancouver Island Crisis Line at 1-888-494-3888.

For immediate emotional support available 24-hours a day, contact Vancouver Island Crisis Line at 1-888-494-3888.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has contributed their thoughts, time, energy, and funding to the Crisis Line over the last 35 years.

If you would like to support the continued success of our Clinic and other support services please donate here.

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