
(Un)learning in anti-violence work

At the beginning of June, the Inclusive Services Team at VSAC wrote a post about how to begin (Un)learning White Supremacy in Anti Violence Work. We received feedback about how this post centered white folks and erased the experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) in our organization by using a collective “we” when speaking about the work we as white people need to do. 

The Inclusive Services Team and VSAC Management Team have taken down the blog post for now as we do some internal work of addressing the harm we’ve caused by erasing the experiences of BIPOIC folk within our organization and until we can move forward in a meaningful and just way. We will rewrite the post with the input and consent of folks who are directly impacted by it before re-publishing. 

In the interim, the original post had some great resources that we still want folks to be able to access and they can be found below:

Each link below provides numerous resources, education materials, and free books, as well as links for donating to bail funds and Black-led organizations.

Please join us in this work.

Anti-Racist and Decolonial Resources (based out of Lkwungen territories)

Support Black-owned Businesses in Victoria

Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources

Black History Month Google Drive File

A Guide for Resources for White Folks

Protest Options: Link to Resources Donation Funds, and Education

Links to Anti-Racism Materials / Resources / Actions / funds / Mental health / email templates & contacts multi-city / petitions

Your kids aren’t too young to talk about race: resource roundup

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