Service changes to VSAC long-term Counselling Program

Over the last two years, we have seen a large increase in the number of survivors coming through our doors. Many of those survivors are in crisis and need immediate support for recent or historical trauma. We have seen our waitlists grow and have struggled to meet these needs in our capacity as a non-profit organization.

Based on this steady increase in the need for crisis support, we are no longer able to offer long-term (one year) individual counselling at VSAC. This means that we will not be able to offer long-term counselling support to any new clients or any of the clients on our long-term counselling waitlist.

We have already reached out to all of the survivors on our waitlists to let them know about these changes. If you are a survivor who has not yet received an email or a phone call from VSAC about these changes, please call our access line at 250-383-3232 or email if you would like to speak to someone directly.

This was a very hard decision for VSAC to make and we know that this news will be very difficult for many of the survivors on our waitlist and in our community. We want survivors and our community to know that even though we can no longer offer long-term counselling, there are many paths to healing, and we do still offer a number of services to survivors of sexualized violence, completely free of charge:

  • Integrated Sexual Assault Clinic: available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all genders of survivors of recent sexual assault, 13 years and older. Call the Vancouver Island Crisis Line at 1-888-494-3888 to be connected to our clinic.
  • Individual crisis counselling assists in dealing with the most immediate emotional, physical, and behavioural reactions to sexual assault or historical sexual abuse.
  • Group counselling offers support that focuses on education, skills development, and peer support.
  • Victim Services provides services connected to the criminal justice system, including information, and support with police reports and court appearances.

If you are a survivor who is struggling, now or in the future, you can contact our Access Line at 250-383-3232 or connect with a counsellor for crisis support.

If you are a community organization with questions about referrals, please call our business line at 250-383-5545 or email us at to speak with a member of the management team.

Access Line:
Phone: 250-383-3232
Email .

To access our counsellor at Victoria Native Friendship Centre (VNFC):
VNFC Phone: 250-384-3211
VNFC Email: .

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