Listening to Black Youth & Creating Safer-Braver Spaces in Community and Schools

Black Youth Empowerment Presents: Listening to Black Youth & Creating Safer-Braver Spaces in Community and Schools

Black Youth Empowerment (BYE) presents a Pro D-Day Workshop on Safer-Braver Spaces made by Black youth for educators in the community and schools. Join us for an online workshop about the impact of race-based issues on Black youth, and ways adults can intervene and create safer and braver spaces in community and schools.

When: February 17, 2023 @ 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm

Who can attend our workshop? School personnel (teachers, support staff, administration), youth service providers, educators and anyone else who works with Black youth can benefit from this workshop. Registration ends Wednesday, February 15, 2023, and you can expect to receive the registration package by this date. Please note the workshop content for February 17, 2023, is the same that we delivered in May 2022.

Black Youth Empowerment: We are eight current high school students from SD61, SD63 & SD64 and we have developed culturally relevant bystander intervention workshops. We model the workshops after a pilot project between Girls & Femmes with Afro-textured Hair and Project Respect, the anti-violence education program at the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre.

Safer-Braver Spaces: This workshop is a chance for teachers, staff and educators to continue learning how to support Black youth by examining their biases, and learning about culturally and anti-racist safer interventions.  Using a trauma-informed approach, the BYE group will facilitate a training session that builds awareness around the impact of race-based issues in community and schools.

  • Exploring the following questions: Can educators use the “n” word? What constitutes the scope of safety for Black youth? What is the definition of a bystander and intervenor? When race-based incidents occur, how can educators avoid victim-blaming Black youth?
  • On February 17th, 2023 from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, we will explore these vital questions, discuss intervention strategies and barriers to intervening and share BYE’s holistic approach for creating safer and braver spaces.

Please share this learning opportunity with your networks and help us spread the word. Thank you!

BYE Contact Information:


Instagram: @b.y.e.victoria 

Partners and Funders

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