Make a Lasting Difference in the Lives of Survivors of Sexualized Violence
Is the work of the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre close to your heart?
If you want to make a gift that ensures the health and vitality of the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre and guarantees that cost free services remain available to survivors of sexualized violence for the long term, you may want to consider leaving a bequest in your will. A bequest can be any size, and anyone who makes a will can leave a portion of their estate to a charity.
Bequests contribute significantly to our long-term financial well-being. Thanks to bequests, we were able to purchase our new office and counselling space. Owning our property means increased stability for the agency and a warm, welcoming space for survivors to heal.
If you are considering making a planned gift to VSAC, we would be pleased to meet with you and to recommend next steps. We also encourage you to consult with a professional advisor who can tell you about the tax benefits of planned gifts and explain various ways to leave a legacy gift.