Shining a Light on VSAC

new window in counselling office. inside shows counselling chairs and flowers, while outside is a branches from a tree and light!

We are thrilled about the five new windows that we received for our counselling and prevention offices thanks to the Western Communities Foundation, Western Financial Group’s charitable arm. We were the recipients of one of 40 available infrastructure grants to encourage healthy living, learning, and to strengthen communities.

“The new windows make an enormous difference to the people we serve every day. Bringing light into previously dark counseling space changes the atmosphere of the space and provides a better counselling experience, not to mention the increase to mental health of our workers,” said Makenna Reilly, Executive Director.

Each year the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre provides support and services to over 2,500 people. From one to one counselling, to assistance navigating the court system, to groups, and crisis counselling, the Centre strives to ensure that each survivor receives the best care possible while going through what can be one of the most difficult times in their life.

Coast Capital Insurance Services in Victoria, a subsidiary of Western Financial Group, nominated the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre for the grant after taking the time to visit the centre pre-windows to get a sense of the need. “When we toured the facility we immediately felt a connection to the need for windows in the counseling rooms. It’s both an honor and a pleasure to be able to donate these funds to such a worthy cause,” said Debbie Stefnik, Coast Capital Insurance Services Branch Manager in Victoria.

“The new windows make all the difference… I am so grateful and it shows how well looked after we are here” said Catherine Day, Youth Counsellor.

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